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Journaling Prompts for A Month of Self Compassion

Journaling Prompts for A Month of Self Compassion

There are so many reasons we are hard on ourselves.  Our upbringing, social pressures and core beliefs all contribute to the way we perceive who we are and our inner narrative in times of hardship.

This feeling of not being good enough is something all of us have felt before.  And when it happens it can be all consuming.  It erodes our self worth and our relationships.  

It’s so important to have the awareness and the tools to begin to counter these negative patterns so you can live a meaningful life.  A life where you are able to connect with yourself more lovingly to create an internal environment that fosters growth rather than fear.  Practicing this way of being will create small ripples into the world around you, encouraging healthier relationships and more fulfillment.

In this post, I’ll map out 4 weeks of journaling prompts you can use to build self awareness, resilience, motivation and greater emotional well being.

This will take time.  It takes awareness, loving challenges, self kindness and a growth mindset.  Self compassion is a powerful practice that allows us to embrace our humanity, imperfections and the moments we struggle.

Journaling is an excellent tool for deepening self compassion, helping us uncover and process emotions and shift our inner dialogue from criticism to kindness.

Week 1: Building Awareness 

Monday: How do I typically speak to myself when I make a mistake?  

Tuesday: What are 5 sensations I notice in my body when I am feeling self critical?  How does my thinking or decision making change?

Wednesday: What sensations do I feel in my body when I am feeling self kindness?  How does my thinking or decision making change?

Thursday: Where or from whom did I learn self criticism?  Was it modeled by a caregiver?  Did someone speak this way directly?

Friday: What are feelings or events that trigger self criticism?  What are the origins of these triggers?

Saturday: What is your self criticism protecting you from?  (Failure, rejection, loss) Are there other ways to cope with these fears?

Sunday: How does my inner critic try to motivate me? Is this method helpful or harmful?

Week 2: Common Humanity

Monday: How can I remind myself that it’s okay to be imperfect and make mistakes?

Tuesday: How would I speak to a friend who was experiencing similar hardships to me?  How would I speak to a younger version of myself?

Wednesday: Write about a mistake you’ve made recently. What can I learn from it, and how can I offer myself forgiveness?

Thursday: How do I define success for myself? Can I create a version of success that includes self-compassion and self-care?

Friday: Write about a time when you were kind to someone else. How can you direct that same kindness toward yourself?

Saturday: What would it feel like to let go of the need to be perfect? How would that change my life?

Sunday: What’s one positive quality I see in myself that I haven’t acknowledged lately?

Week 3: Embracing Self-Kindness

Monday: What part of myself am I most critical of? What does that part of me need to hear to feel supported?

Tuesday: What are three things I can do to show myself kindness today, no matter how small?

Wednesday: Write a letter to your inner critic. What does it need to understand about your true worth?

Thursday: What do I need to hear right now to feel supported and cared for?

Friday: What practices or activities bring me a sense of peace and self-acceptance? How can I incorporate them more into my routine?

Saturday: How can I be gentler with myself during stressful times?  What are three ways I can offer myself emotional support when I’m feeling overwhelmed or down?

Sunday: What are the most compassionate words someone could say to me right now? Can I say these words to myself?

Week 4: Cultivating Resilience Through Compassion

Monday: How has self-criticism held me back from taking risks or pursuing my goals? How can I overcome this with self-compassion?

Tuesday: What’s a past challenge I’ve overcome, and how can I recognize my strength in getting through it?

Wednesday: How can I approach moments of failure or struggle with curiosity instead of judgment?

Thursday: What does resilience mean to me? How can self-compassion help me build resilience?

Friday: Think of a recent setback. How can I acknowledge my efforts and process my disappointment without being hard on myself?

Saturday: Write about a situation where you were able to move through a challenge with grace and self-compassion. How can you carry this experience forward?

Sunday: How can I be my own best friend during difficult times, offering myself patience, encouragement, and love?


Journaling can be a transformative way to nurture self-compassion, giving you a space to reflect, process emotions, and shift your inner dialogue. Use these prompts to explore your relationship with yourself, let go of self-criticism, and develop a practice of self-kindness that will support your emotional well-being.

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